Adam turned 2 on the 20th.... yeah, this is a little late. He had a good birthday. He opened his presents in the morning (with much enthusiastic help from his big brother). Matthew went to 'school' for the morning and so Adam got almost 3 hours of uninterrupted play with Mummy time. I made it home in the early afternoon and we all went out to a place that has a number of those big blow up bouncy castle things that kids can jump around on. We stayed there for a couple of hours. Then back home for dinner and birthday cake. Adam knows about singing Happy Birthday and then blowing out candles. So we did that.... 3 or 4 time.... and for 3 or 4 evening after that while there was still enough cake to put a candle in.
We have finally got the leaves beat.... I hope. It has taken 3 odd weekends of gathering them all up and dumping them into the wild areas of the garden (I love my ride on tractor). Finally the trees have no more leaves to drop. Matthew has made us save on pile of leaves at the bottom of the slide......

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