Monday, July 10, 2006


Matthew can swim! It's pretty ugly to look at but he stays afloat and moves forward! At the pool we go to there is a diving board area that is 8.5 foot deep (259cm). matthew can jump off the diving board and swim by himself to the edge. He kicks, moves his arms and comes up for breath. cool!

Here are a few shots of the kids at a local lake....


Anonymous said...

so, basically he swims like you. Ahahahahahahahahahaha.

From the coolest brother you'll ever have!

batplug said...

When you were watching me swimming you obviously seeing your own reflection.... I am beautiful.

Pobox90210 said...

Who's the babe in the pink outfit.
hubba hubba :-)

Pobox90210 said...

Who's the babe in the pink outfit.
hubba hubba :-)

Pobox90210 said...

Who's the babe in the pink outfit? Hubba hubba

batplug said...

That would be Margaret :-)