Monday, July 10, 2006

of speech and yellow jackets

Both Matthew and Adam recently went for check ups at the doctors. Matthew for his 4 year appointment and Adam for his 18 month appointment.
Matthew's weight is now down to the same point on the all important growth curve as his height ( you must fit within the bell curve! ). He is 90th percentile for weight and height for his age. Up until now his weight has been off the chart and this worried everyone as you MUST fit within the bell curve.

Adam is 85th percentile height and 60th percentile weight. Neither of which is a guessed it.... they are both within the bell curve :). But the doctor made us worried as Adam is not speaking yet. He babbles but does not speak and according to the doctor ( probably due to a bell curve ) he should be saying 10 clear words by now. So we started to worry.... did he damage himself when he went head first onto the concrete floor at a store from the shopping trolley because his stupid parents let him ride in it instead of buckling him into the seat? ( let's not go there). Then we talked to a number of other parents who just laughed and told us not to dismiss it but not to worry about it.... but you do.
So he is not talking but then we see this sort of thing happening.... we are at the pool swimming and when the lifeguards take their 10min break. Margaret take Adam and Matthew to the little snack store at the pool and buys them both a Popsicle. Adam obviously likes the Popsicle and knows they come from that 'place over there' so we watch him toddle back over and climb the little step they have at the front of the store. This gives him enough height to be able to put his hands onto the counter and peer over it. The people in the store have a laugh and talk to him. But this is not what he wants. Meanwhile Matthew is playing diving with a friend. The friends mother is tossing coins into the water for them to dive and get. Adam gets down off the step, walks over to the friends mother, grabs some coins off her, walks back to the store, climbs the step, puts the coins on the counter and pushes them to the people in the store and waits there...... smart kid..... pity he didn't steal enough money for another Popsicle.

I don't think there is too much wrong with him.

Then there were the yellow jackets.... and not the group. One day Matthew got stung...once thank goodness looking back at it. We didn't know by what. Someone told us to mix baking soda and water into a paste and put it on the sting. I have since found out that a better one is a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon of water.( look it up ). A couple of days later I was in the same area of the garden and dragged a hose over the yellow jackets nest. man, I didn't know what was happening but it sure hurt. They stung me around a dozen times. Luckily I was not immediately next to the nest so I didn't get the swarm over me. I went back that night and poured petrol down the hole and gassed them. My ankle swelled up and it was itchy as for 3 or 4 days after. nasty little buggers.

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