Friday, February 25, 2005


Anyone who is a parent knows it is far easier and quicker to sniff your kids butt to see if they have pooped than to take a look. Before I was a parent I saw people do this and thought "that'll never be me"....... aaahh how times have changed.

A few weeks ago Matthew picked up a stomach bug that caused him to puke once during the night and then have the runs for a day or so and be off his food for a week. Margaret and I also got it a little later... but that's another story. For a couple of days after he had the runs his farts really stank! One day he had fooled me 3 times into thinking he had pooped when he had not.

I guess I sniffed his butt a lot during that time because I came into the lounge that day and sat down next to him. He had farted before I had come into the room and I was just about to check to see if he had pooped when he beat me too it.

He looked up at me and said "poo, Daddy do poopie?" Then he pushed me on my back to make me lean over ( so I did ) and he sniffed my butt and declared "yep, daddy do poopie, go change diaper".

No, I hadn't, and no I hadn't farted either.

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