and I have purchased a web domain and have the beginnings of a site going here.
This is why the blog has undergone its drastic change in look. It is not currently possible to embed this blog into a page of my site and so I could have either hosted my own blog using something like wordpress or link to this blog. Hosting my own blog would have ment I would have had to gone through the pain of moving all my entries over from blogger to wordpress... there is no import/export between the two. So I took the lazy way out. As best as I can I have made the blog page look like the rest of my site..... just have to figure out how to stop the blogger header from appearing. So it almost looks like part of the site.
I have a new web address to add to my expanding set.... guy@sladetowers.com :-)
If any of my family want to have an address like this they can ping me and I can give them more details ....... robin@sladetowers.com, robyn@sladetowers.com, jenny.who.use.to.be@sladetowers.com
We are all recovering from colds at the moment. Adam was so miserable this morning that we took him to the doctors as there was the potential of an ear infection....we just have to cover this base blindly as he never gives us any clues that he has one. Anyway, he was clear but he has his top 2 year molars coming through.
Margaret and I went to an open house for the magnet school we are thinking about for Matthew.... AB Combs. It was a very nice school, full of color and very polite well behaved children..... If Matthew gets in I'm sure he will soon change that :-).
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