Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Did you miss me?

Long time no post...... it's busy at work and at home at the moment and I just don't seem to be able to sit down and post.

Matthew is having his terrible twos at the moment. He screams NO when he doesn't want to do something (in a horrible ear splitting way). He cries and has tantrums where ever. He hits me as hard as he can (which isn't really that hard but it's the thought that counts)when he gets frustrated. So he is getting to stand in the corner a lot.
He is doing really well with potty training. He can go all day (including nap time) without a diaper and it's only at night that we put one on. But he is lazy and when he has one on will happily pee in it rather than tell us he needs to go potty. He has had the very occasional accident but these have been few and far between.
He vocab is getting better and better. He is starting to ask questions now that I have to think about how to answer...i.e "Dada, why do we have to go to sleep?" Last night he counted to 40 with only 3 corrections from me.
Margaret has been taking him to some swimming lessons but she has stopped it as he is the youngest in the class and the teacher is not handling him very well at all.
He is doing really well with Adam.... although the last couple of days has seen him yelling NO at Adam when he thinks Adam is doing something he shouldn't be. He loves being silly in front of Adam and making Adam laugh at him. Sometime when Adam is tired or upset we ask Matthew to play peek-a-boo or be silly for Adam to make him laugh.
Matthew and I quite often go and hang out together now..... shopping, going to the dump, going out for dinner..... I think we both enjoy it as much as the other. It won't be long before it'll be the 3 boys going out to give Margaret some break time.

Adam is 8 months old, has one tooth through, and has been crawling for about 3 or 4 weeks now. He is very different to Matthew, a lot more alert and interested in what's around him (I think Matthew's tummy was giving him too much grief from be a bit allergic to Margaret's breast milk for him to be bothered about too much of anything at this age). Anything and everything will catch his eye and he will go on a crawling expedition to get to it. He can easily pull himself up to a stand to reach for things. He tries to open draws and cupboards. Everything still goes straight into his mouth. He also knows where the play room is upstairs and will try and get up the stairs to get to the play room..... he hasn't made it up the first stair yet, but we will have to be conscientious about closing the gates. He is quick to smile and has a sparkle in his eyes all the time.... he is a great kid.

Margaret and Me:
Margaret's mum is in the last 2 and a bit weeks of her 3 month stay. Nice to see her but it's a long time to have someone staying 24/7 in your house. Margaret will miss the company during the day but I think neither of us will deny that it will be nice to get our privacy ( and TV ) back again. It'll be interesting to see what Matthew thinks when Nanny disappears. I'm guessing that he will ask where she is for a week or so and then other things will take his attention.
Matthew will start 'school' again shortly...3 days a week instead of two but still for 3 hrs in the morning. It'll give Margaret some one on one time with Adam.

I'm sure I have missed loads out but that's what you get from not blogging for so long. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoops, sorry, your comments about visitors isn't going to put us off. We're planning a 6 months visit next year, during the Southern Hemisphere's winter. Love M & D S
PS Love you!