Monday, May 02, 2005

Potty training update

We are continuing with the no pressure approach to potty training for Matthew. When he gets up in the morning, has his nap in the afternoon and when he goes down for the evening we get him to sit on the potty. He does not mind doing that for us and more often than not will pee (and gets chocolate for his trouble). This morning he told Margaret that he needed to go potty which was cool as he was dressed and had a diaper (nappy) on ready for the day. So maybe this is the start of the next phase of things. When Margaret's mother is here we will have a go at dressing him in 'big boy underwear' for the day. We'll hang out at home for a day or two (if all goes well) like this and see how many accidents he has. Hopefully it'll be none to just a few before he clicks onto the fact that he must use the potty to pee and can't just do it in his pants any more. Pooping may be an issue as we have not yet even tried to cross that bridge...... ahh fun times are ahead :-)

Adam is slowly getting onto a two nap a day routine. It's a lot harder to cater to him and his naps when Matthew is on a one nap a day routine. I think Adam gets the short end of the stick but there is nothing that can be done about it. He is still a great little kid. We'll take him back to the doctors in a day or two to make sure his ears are clear. He has started to do the caterpillar crawl, he rolls onto his tummy and pulls his legs up underneath him a little bit then digs his toes in and pushes forward. He has done this a couple of times now, doesn't get very far but he is trying. Maybe he will end up crawling (something Matthew skipped). He is also eating some solid food now. We were going to wait until six months like we did with Matthew but Adam has made it clear on no uncertain terms that he wants food with us when we all sit at the table. He was being really really fussy at the table when we ate and Margaret gave him some food on a whim..... it made him happy and quiet straight away. The doctors tell you that a baby will tell you when it's time to feed them solid food and Adam sure did that.

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